OcuSolve Eye Wash – 15ml (Wholesale)


OcuSolve is based on our SAHPRA registered Bettamed Oxygen Spray used for Wound Care and Burns.

Bettamed OcuSolve is a Superoxidised Solution, which heals the eye surface, and kills infection.

Ideal as a healing anti-inflammatory treatment for Dry Eyes, Children, Uveitis, Keratitis and Conjunctivitis.                             NAPPI: 1166606001              SURGICAL CODE: Z03JA

Increased eye pressure is the most common cause of Glaucoma and Vision Loss for patients with Uveitis. Chronic inflammation is easily dealt with and OcuSolve is a powerful adjunct, replacement or step down treatment from Steroids.


  • You can use OcuSolve™ for efficient control of Conjunctitvis, (including allergies), Dry Eyes, Uveitis and Keratitis. OcuSolve™ Eye Wash has several mechanisms of action:
    • Ocusolve is a  soothing anti-inflammatory (and anti-itch) treatment taking care of redness.
    • Gives long-lasting antimicrobial cover.
    • OcuSolve™ combats biofilms. A biofilm is a colony of microbes that exude sticky material which forms a matrix or grid. T
    • It’s estimated that almost 70% of all infections that require treatment are due to biofilm formation. This film forms in order to protect the microbial colony.
    • Ocusolve’s REGEN Bio HOCl molecule penetrates and disrupts the biofilm and microbial cell membranes.
    • OcuSolve™ is thus able to create a challenging environment for invasive pathogenic Conjunctivitis.
    • Ocusolve’s REGEN Bio HOCl is an Oxygen rich solution. Each Oxygen species has a distinct mode of action and capability:
    • which is a potent antimicrobial capable of eradicating antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, viruses and fungus.
    • without promoting the emergence of newly resistant strains of infection

    Several studies have shown that BIO-HOCl (in OcuSolve) has a broader and more potent antimicrobial spectrum, than any conventional prescribed treatment.

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